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Toast to International Ties: Freeman Wines Featured at State Department

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, we had the honor of presenting our wines during a luncheon at the State Department, hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris to celebrate the visit of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of Japan. Esteemed attendees included Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

Featured wines were the 2022 Ryo-Fu West Sonoma Coast Chardonnay and the 2021 Akiko's Cuvee West Sonoma Coast Pinot Noir, both of which paired exquisitely with the seasonal menu, enhancing the culinary experience.

This prestigious event was not only a profound honor but also a testament to the deep cultural ties between the United States and Japan. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a significant occasion and look forward to fostering further connections through our shared appreciation for fine wine.

Historic Award for Akiko Freeman: The Green & White Medal for Agricultural Excellence

Akiko Freeman was recently honored with the Green & White Medal for Agricultural Excellence, becoming the first woman ever to receive this prestigious accolade. The ceremony, held at the Japanese Consul General’s residence in Los Angeles, recognized her for being the first Japanese winemaker with a wine served at the White House and her transformative approach to organic farming. Shinkichki Koyama, who presented the award, said of Akiko, “She worked very hard to achieve the best growing conditions on the property — irrigation, ensuring that the soil was well-drained and well-oxygenated — all with the long-term vision to produce better grapes under organic farming protocols.” Her efforts have significantly contributed to the agriculture sector, reinforcing Japan-USA relations. This milestone achievement underscores Akiko's pioneering role in the field.

Historic Award for Akiko Freeman: The Green & White Medal for Agricultural Excellence

The White House

We are honored that the White House featured our Ryo-fu Chardonnay at a recent State Dinner welcoming Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to the United States. 

Akiko Freeman

LE.PAN: The small Sonoma winery with Asian ambitions; “We don’t manipulate anything. We just try to grow the best fruit and bring out the best of it. That’s our philosophy.” 


The Somm Journal
92 Points - Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast 2006

The most complex and complete of the 2006 Freemans, this is fragrant, with wilted rose petal, blackberry and wild berry and hints of loamy earth. Both supple and firm on the finish. Drink now through 2014.—J.L.

The Public Eye: Ken Freeman - Freeman Vineyard & Winery cover
The Public Eye: Ken Freeman - Freeman Vineyard & Winery

Freeman Vineyard & Winery is the fruition of a 20-year dream shared by Ken and Akiko Freeman to craft elegant cool climate California Pinot Noir and Chardonnay in a sophisticated, Burgundian style.
With a passion for fine wine and contemporary cooking’s wealth of exotic flavors, the Freemans strive to create wines with the depth and character to pair seamlessly with the abundance of modern, global cuisine.

Freeman donates redwood forest cover
Wines & Vines
Freeman donates redwood forest

Ken and Akiko Freeman, owner of Freeman Vineyard and Winery, Sebastopol, donated 22 acres of old growth and second growth forests in Occidental to the Bodega Land trust. Nearby, it will plant about 11 acres in its new Freeman Ranch vineyard to five clones of Pinot Noir and a small amount of Chardonnay. The property is located approximately 1,200 feet, with steep slopes, Goldridge soil and a south-eastern exposure.

ホワイトハウスが認めた醸造家、アキコ・フリーマンのワインとは? cover
Madame FIGARO.jp



2024年4月の岸田文雄首相の訪米は記憶に新しいが、実は11日にカマラ・ハリス副大統領が開催した岸田首相を招いてのアメリカ国務省公式昼食会でふるまわれたのが、カリフォルニアで日本人女性醸造家アキコ・フリーマンが造る「フリーマン・ヴィンヤード&ワイナリー」のワインだったのだ。レセプションにはスパークリングのフリーマン ユーキ・エステート ブラン・ド・ブラン ソノマ・コースト2020が登場、コースに合わせてフリーマン 涼風 シャルドネ  グリーン・ヴァレー・オブ・ロシアン・リヴァー・ヴァレー 2021やフリーマン アキコズ・キュヴェ ピノ・ノワール ウエストソノマ・コースト 2021がサービスされた。来賓にはアントニー・ブリンケン国務長官やピート・ブティジェッジ運輸大臣などアメリカの政財界の要人たち。そしてそこにはワイナリーオーナーのケン・フリーマンとアキコ・フリーマン夫妻の姿もあった。アキコはこの時の心境をこう語っている。



無名だったアキコのワインが一躍世に踊り出たのは2015年4月のこと。安倍晋三元首相渡米の際に開かれたバラク・オバマ元大統領主催の晩餐会で、フリーマン 涼風 シャルドネ グリーン・ヴァレー・オブ・ロシアン・リヴァー・ヴァレーがサービスされたのだ。日本人醸造家のワインがホワイトハウスで使われたのは初めてのこと。現地のメディアはこぞってこのワインを紹介したが、皆が驚いたのは、その豊かな香りとエレガントな味わいだったのだ。





Friends of Freeman: Drink Well & Do Good

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